Copyright Compliance

The Copyright Act 1968 (Australia) places responsibility on us to act quickly to disable or remove access to copyright material that is infringing or is likely to infringe copyright.

These procedures set out the steps to be taken when copyright infringement notices are received by DNG Technology Pty Ltd (owner of this website) relating to material hosted on the DNG Platform in Australia, and document DNG’s compliance with those requirements.

1. Correspondence about infringement notices
An infringement notice, also known as a ‘take-down notice’, will typically be in the form of an email and will be signed by or on behalf of the copyright owner. It will include information identifying the allegedly infringing material to be removed, or to which access is to be disabled, including its location (i.e. a URL, IP address or network address). It should contain sufficient contact information to DNG Technology to respond to the copyright owner (or their agent); and a statement that the copyright owner is acting in good faith and believes they have reasonable grounds to allege there has been unauthorised reproduction or communication of their material by a user of the DNG Platform.

The email address is set up to receive copyright infringement notices.

2. Steps taken upon receipt of an infringement notice
We will acknowledge receipt of the copyright infringement notice relating to the DNG Platform and begin investigations into the alleged infringement.

If possible, we will identify and locate the material and, where the material infringes, we will remove access to it.

Where it is unclear whether or not the material infringes, we will seek advice and, as required, provide sufficient records and information to enable a determination to be made. If our advice confirms the material is deemed to infringe, we will remove access to it.

Where the material is deemed not to infringe, access to the material will be maintained.

Where the material cannot be located and/or identified (for example, when details within the infringement notice, including any clarification obtained, are insufficient), we will reply to the copyright owner accordingly.

In all instances we will keep the copyright owner informed of our actions and the outcome of any determinations.

Last updated – May, 2016